

Tadalafil 20mg

Tadacip® manufactured by Cipla is a medication used for treating male impotence. This is an alternative for well-known Cialis brand.

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C$ 3.02

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Tadalis Sx

Tadalis® Sx

Tadalafil 20mg

Tadalis® Sx is used to treat sexual function problems such as Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction. It is manufactured by Ajanta. The main active ingredient is the same as in Cialis® - Tadalafil.

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C$ 2.04

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Tadalafil 20mg

Tadorais used to treat erection problems in men. It is the only drug which is not only fast acting (works in 30 minutes) but is also know to be effective for as long as 36 hours, thus enabling you to choose the moment that is just right for you as well as your partner.

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C$ 2.38

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Erlotinib 150mg

Generic Tarceva (erlotinib) is a cancer medicine that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their spread in the body. Erlotinib is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer or pancreatic cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic). Erlotinib is usually given after other cancer medicines have been tried without success.

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C$ 45.24

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Carbamazepine 100/200/400mg

Generic Tegretol is used for controlling certain types of epileptic seizures. It is also used to treat severe pain of the jaw or cheek caused by a facial nerve problem (trigeminal neuralgia).

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C$ 0.83

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Clobetasol 0.05% 15g

Generic Temovate is used for treating inflammation and itching of the scalp due to certain skin conditions. It is also used to treat moderate to severe psoriasis.

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C$ 16.96

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Atenolol - Chlorthalidone 100mg + 25mg

Generic Tenoretic is a beta-blocker and diuretic combination. It is used for treating high blood pressure.

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C$ 1.38

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Atenolol 25/50/100mg

Generic Tenormin is used for decreasing death due to heart problems after a heart attack.

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C$ 0.74

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Chlorpromazine 50/100mg

Generic Thorazine is used for treating certain mental or mood disorders (eg, schizophrenia), the manic phase of manic-depressive disorder, anxiety and restlessness before surgery, porphyria, severe behavioral and conduct disorders in children, nausea and vomiting and severe hiccups. It is also used with other medicines to treat symptoms associated with tetanus.

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C$ 0.68

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Timolol 0.5% 5ml

Generic Timoptic is used for treating increased pressure in the eye (ocular hypertension) and open-angle glaucoma.

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C$ 12.21

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Imipramine 25/75mg

Generic Tofranil is used for treating depression. It is also used in some children to help reduce bedwetting. It works by increasing the activity of certain chemicals in the brain that help elevate mood.

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C$ 0.75

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Top Avana

Top Avana®

Avanafil + Dapoxetine 30mg + 50mg

Top Avana is a drug used to solve the problem of poor erections and increase the duration of the sexual act, due to the influence of two active ingredients: 50 mg of avanafil and 30 mg of dapoxetine.

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C$ 5.43

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Topiramate 25/50/100/200mg

Generic Topamax is used for treating seizures in certain patients. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is also used to prevent migraine headaches.

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C$ 1.13

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Labetalol 100mg

Generic Trandate is an alpha- and beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure. It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines, such as diuretics.

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C$ 1.13

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Ethionamide 250mg

Generic Trtecator-SC is an antibiotic. It prevents the growth of bacteria in your body. It is used to treat tuberculosis (TB).

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C$ 2.04

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Fenofibrate 160/200mg

Generic Tricor is used for controlling high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It is used in combination with a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Generic Tricor is a lipid-lowering agent. It lowers elevated blood triglyceride levels by making the liver produce fewer triglycerides and increasing the elimination of triglycerides from the blood stream.

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C$ 1.70

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Oxcarbazepine 150/300/600mg

Generic Trileptal is used for treating certain types of seizures in patients with epilepsy. It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.

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C$ 0.97

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